
  • Fitzmaurice Recognized at ISLS ’24!

    Helen’s full paper, “Activism or bureaucracy: What are we teaching students through local climate action projects?” won a Best Paper Award at the 2024 Meeting of the International Society for the Learning Sciences. Her paper examines the ways that teachers’ framing and enactment of student action projects shift over time toward different “orientations-of-action,” or ways […]

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  • Exploring Local Impacts and Global Change w/ Data

    A new paper describes one of the units developed as part of the Writing Data Stories project, focused on connecting the local and global effects of climate change through storytelling and data.

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  • CoRE @ 2024 Conferences

    The CoRE lab has been having fun sharing our work at the BSE Research Day here in Berkeley, and at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association in Philadelphia! Brendan presents his research on teacher learning about critical computing at the Graduate Student Research Roundtable at AERA’24. See here for a full list […]

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  • Henrique Recognized at SIGCSE ’24

    This weekend, CoRE Lab member and BSE PhD student Brendan Henrique won first place in the Graduate Student Research competition at SIGCSE 2024! Brendan reported his ongoing analysis of how K-12 teachers learn about critically conscious approaches to teaching computing across the curriculum. As part of this work, he designed and taught a summer course […]

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  • CoRE Lab at ISLS 2024

    Several CoRE Lab members and alumni will be presenting at ISLS 2024 in Buffalo, NY.

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  • Data Science Ed at ICME-15

    We’re excited to be a part of the upcoming 15th International Conference in Mathematics Education (ICME-15)! Michelle will be serving as a co-chair (with Daniel Frischemeier) of Topic Study Group 3.18, focused on Data Science Teaching and Learning. She’ll also be sharing work co-authored with Hollylynne Lee and Gemma Mojica exploring the use of the […]

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  • SIGCSE: Teacher CS Trajectories

    Brendan Henrique will be presenting his work with pre-service K12 teachers, exploring how they learn to integrate critically conscious computing into a variety of subject areas and grade levels. His work adds to growing research in Computer Science Education exploring teacher learning of ethically-oriented computing. More specifically, he is contributing a needed focus on the […]

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  • OTACA at NARST 2024

    Helen Fitzmaurice will be sharing some of her most recent work with the Oakland Teachers Advocating for Climate Action project at the Annual International Conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching to be held in Denver, CO. Fitzmaurice, H. & Wilkerson, M. H. (Forthcoming 2024). Community Organizing for Climate Change and Environmental […]

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  • CoRE Lab at AERA 2024

    We will be presenting several strands of work at the upcoming 2024 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Conference in Philadelphia. This year, much of our work has focused on teachers’ and teacher educators’ perception and uptake of more socially-aware approaches data literacy education. We have also continued to develop our line of research […]

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  • New Climate Action Grant

    Helen Fitzmaurice, with a number of partners including former CoRE Lab postdoctoral researcher Emily Reigh (now at UCSC), former BSE grad Alyssa Sayavedra (CSU Monterey Bay), and graduate student Jake Barton, will be awarded $1.4M to study and support California teachers and community partners in implementing justice-centered climate change pedagogy in K-12 classrooms. The project […]

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