Tag: Brendan

  • CoRE @ 2024 Conferences

    The CoRE lab has been having fun sharing our work at the BSE Research Day here in Berkeley, and at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association in Philadelphia! Brendan presents his research on teacher learning about critical computing at the Graduate Student Research Roundtable at AERA’24. See here for a full list […]


  • Henrique Recognized at SIGCSE ’24

    This weekend, CoRE Lab member and BSE PhD student Brendan Henrique won first place in the Graduate Student Research competition at SIGCSE 2024! Brendan reported his ongoing analysis of how K-12 teachers learn about critically conscious approaches to teaching computing across the curriculum. As part of this work, he designed and taught a summer course […]


  • Brendan Henrique

    My research explores critically conscious STEM education with special attention to computer science education.


  • CoRE Lab at ISLS 2024

    Several CoRE Lab members and alumni will be presenting at ISLS 2024 in Buffalo, NY.


  • SIGCSE: Teacher CS Trajectories

    Brendan Henrique will be presenting his work with pre-service K12 teachers, exploring how they learn to integrate critically conscious computing into a variety of subject areas and grade levels. His work adds to growing research in Computer Science Education exploring teacher learning of ethically-oriented computing. More specifically, he is contributing a needed focus on the […]


  • Who creates our computational worlds?

    Henrique, B., Roberto, C., & Wilkerson, M. H. (2022). Who creates our computational worlds? [Review of the book Critically Conscious Computing: Methods for Secondary Education]. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 35(100546). doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijcci.2022.100546


  • Computing+ Reading Group

    A standing group of researchers working at the intersection of computing, data, and science education. We curate and synthesize relevant work across literatures and domains, and consider implications for K12 educators and researchers.


  • Sustained Modeling in K12 Science (A2S)

    From Access to Sustainability: Investigating Ways to Foster Sustainable Use of Computational Modeling in K-12 Science Classrooms (A2S) seeks to support and examine the development of computational modeling as a sustained practice in middle school science classrooms

    Funded by: National Science Foundation DRL-2010413
