Tag: WDS

  • Exploring Local Impacts and Global Change w/ Data

    A new paper describes one of the units developed as part of the Writing Data Stories project, focused on connecting the local and global effects of climate change through storytelling and data.


  • Data Science Ed at ICME-15

    We’re excited to be a part of the upcoming 15th International Conference in Mathematics Education (ICME-15)! Michelle will be serving as a co-chair (with Daniel Frischemeier) of Topic Study Group 3.18, focused on Data Science Teaching and Learning. She’ll also be sharing work co-authored with Hollylynne Lee and Gemma Mojica exploring the use of the […]


  • CoRE Lab at AERA 2024

    We will be presenting several strands of work at the upcoming 2024 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Conference in Philadelphia. This year, much of our work has focused on teachers’ and teacher educators’ perception and uptake of more socially-aware approaches data literacy education. We have also continued to develop our line of research […]


  • CUNY/CITE Summer Camp

    We will be running a teacher educator Summer Camp as part of the City University of New York’s Computing Integrated Teacher Education program! Our summer camp is called “Writing Data Stories: Connecting Student Experience and Data,” and will be introducing the frameworks and materials we’ve developed as part of the Writing Data Stories project in […]


  • DS+LS Workshop at ISLS 2023

    Michelle is part of the organizing team for a data science focused pre-conference workshop to be held Jun 10 at ICLS 2023. The Learning Sciences in K-12 Data Science Education Pre-ISLS Workshop (LS + DS) Call for Participation: Data Science Education is fast becoming a topic of interest, but like many “hot topics,” a rush-to-market […]


  • CoRE Work At ICLS 2023

    Members of the CoRE team will be presenting multiple papers at this year’s International Conference of the Learning Sciences. This year’s presentations also demonstrate the span of our collaborations, including colleagues from NYU, Columbia Teacher’s College, MIT, and the University of Buffalo: Vogelstein, L., McBride, C., Ma, J., Wilkerson, M. H., Vogel, S., Barrales, W., […]


  • CoRE Kicks off BSE Faculty Conversation Series

    Members of the CoRE Lab kicked off the Berkeley School of Education’s Faculty Conversations series with a panel discussion entitled Visioning New STEM Literacies Together: Reflections on the Process and Purpose of Collaborative Design. Jacob Barton, Dr. Cherise McBride, Dr. Emily Reigh, and Collette Roberto each shared brief overviews of their ongoing research projects with […]


  • Exploration Units

    The Writing Data Stories team has also created full 2-3 week exploration units!


  • Data Launchpads

    Data Launchpads are highly interactive documents created with the Common Online Data Analysis Platform (CODAP). They are designed to provide teachers and students with an easy and flexible “on-ramp” to working with large public datasets. Learn more about CODAP with this online guide, or download this PDF intro! Data Launchpads Curriculum includes: Data Launchpads Each […]


  • DataBytes

    Click to download these short lessons designed for engaging critical data literacy
