Tag: Zohal

  • CoRE @ 2024 Conferences

    The CoRE lab has been having fun sharing our work at the BSE Research Day here in Berkeley, and at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association in Philadelphia! Brendan presents his research on teacher learning about critical computing at the Graduate Student Research Roundtable at AERA’24. See here for a full list […]


  • CoRE Lab at AERA 2024

    We will be presenting several strands of work at the upcoming 2024 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Conference in Philadelphia. This year, much of our work has focused on teachers’ and teacher educators’ perception and uptake of more socially-aware approaches data literacy education. We have also continued to develop our line of research […]


  • Zohal Shah

    Zohal is a Ph.D. student. Through a collaborative approach, she aspires to understand how youth develop critical data and digital literacies through social and civic online engagement.


  • George Lucas Educational Foundation logo, featuring two additional blocks: Edutopia and Lucas Educational Research

    Computing as Multiliteracies (ECLES)

    The “Computing as Multiliteracies Partnership” (CoMP) explores equity within the context of computing across the K-12 curriculum. Our projects, Writing Data Stories (WDS) and Participating in Literacies and Computer Science (PiLa-CS) come together to examine: What are general approaches to equitable, literacy-based computing education?

    Funded by: Lucas Education Research
